Viewing Random pages suddenly have preview errors

Random pages suddenly have preview errors

User: Jesse M. 4 months ago
I'm using the Beta 4.1.0 version, and I've noticed over the past week or so that I will randomly have a page that worked fine the day before, or even hours before, and when I preview it now there are errors that display, without having done any new work on the page.

For example, one of the widgets is now reversing the punctuation (the period is at the beginning of the sentence, and exclamation point is at the beginning of the heading. Seems very strange. The only way to get rid of the errors was to delete and re-create a new page. Deleting the widgets on the page and re-creating them alone did not alleviate the errors.

It's only been 2-3 pages that this has happened to, thankfully. One of the pages was an error with the Responsive Row displaying items inside incorrectly (which seems to have been caused due to another widget on the page. Once I deleted the other widget, the error corrected itself), the other errors were with some of the Everweb Widgets.

But again, once I recreate the page identically, the errors resolve themselves. It's as though the pages themselves were corrupted somehow.
User: EverWeb Support 4 months ago
Hi Jesse,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I apologize for any inconvenience you're experiencing. I will report this issue as a bug to our development team for further investigation.

You can also send us a message here with any other details, so we can investigate the issue further.

We'll work to resolve this as soon as possible.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Paul-RAGESW 4 months ago
Hi Jesse,

Sorry for the issues you are experiencing.

Can you please contact customer support so we can get your project and figure out what the issue is?

Thank you,

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 3 months ago
Hi Jesse,

I am just following up to see if you are still having these issues. We are happy to help you resolve this problem ASAP

EverWeb Developer
User: Jesse M. 3 months ago
Hi Paul,

Thank you for reaching out. I downloaded the most recent 4.1 Beta update hoping that might resolve the issues. I honestly haven't had much time over the last few days to work on the site, so I'm unsure if the update resolved it or not. If I continue to see issues when I have some time to use the app, I'll be sure to let you know. Thank you!

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