Viewing Tooltip


User: Lance L. 9 months ago
I'd really like to have a text tooltip as an option, particularly for buttons and maybe some widgets (e.g. RSS Feed). I imagine this could be added to the Shape Options inspector as an additional top level setting, or alternatively incorporated in Shape Options > Fill > Mouseover.

Taking the RSS Feed widget as an example - It would be great to have a tiny popup text box on mouseover. e.g. "Subscribe here"
User: EverWeb Support 9 months ago
Hi Lance,

Thanks for your suggestion. Right now, you could try playing around with the mouse hover effects.
You can learn more about that in this blog post:

Please do not hesitate to open a support ticket, if you need personalized assistance.

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User: Lance L. 9 months ago
Thanks. I've had a look at that. And I've tried applying it to my example. The problem may be as much my limited ability as anything? But it seems to me that the mouseover using a text image isn't going to work for a small object like the RSS Feed widget. A text image frame that fits within the widget image footprint is going to be too tiny to read. (Different matter with the much larger Paris image used in the mouseover video).

If there's something I'm missing I'd love to learn. But it does seem to me that something like my OP would be more flexible, particularly for small objects, where the text popup would need to be bigger than the object.

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